Thursday, February 9, 2012

The "Eyes" Have It

For Nikolai's first birthday, I did another grandchild drawing.  Since I have done one of the other two kids, I did not want the 3rd kid to feel slighted.  Sometimes the 3rd kid gets fewer of everything and it's bad enough wearing all those hand me down clothes as my second daughter will attest to!!   I realize how few photos I have of myself as a very little girl.  Everyone is busier as a family grows and there is less time to record stuff.  Recently my sister sent me some very old, glass slides she found among my deceased aunt's things and it was so fun to see some photos of when I was about 3 or 4.   What a difference it is in today's world of easy picture taking.  So now that the grandchildren each have a drawing, I am no longer going to be hogging their wall space.  It has been so fun to do and I have learned much along the way.  I have realized how important the eyes are and that they need to be perfectly round, very hard to do free hand.   So I bought a circle template with a zillion circle sizes and I finally can get the eye and pupil to look somewhat normal.   Not good to see square or oblong eyes.  So here's to you, our precious Nikolai, you are more perfect than any drawing can show.

1 comment:

  1. I just love, love, love this drawing! Thank you Mom!!!!
