Sunday, December 18, 2011

So You CAN Teach An Old Dog

I think the only opera I have seen live is "Phantom of the Opera".   I have a history of always saying I don't care for opera.   Well, we can change our opinions.   Orcas Center, our performing arts center here on the island has started something new.  It's called Met Live and it is streaming live video of an actual Metropolitan opera performance on the big screen, in HD and with subtitles.   Sort of a "dummies for opera" experience.  We went to Orcas Center today at 1:00 and left at 5:30 for a performance of Handel's "Rodelinda".   I enjoyed it all.   It was like having a $500 seat for $13.   (non members pay $15)  And during the intermission, we were treated to interviews with the performers, set designers and even the maestro.   It was hugely educational but I really felt like I learned something new and had a whole new appreciation for the opera voice.   'Course, having the subtitles was extremely helpful, at least until I learn Italian  :-), as well as having a summary of the story beforehand.  There are 6 more performances like this in early 2012 and we plan to attend all.