Sunday, January 22, 2012

"Enchanted" With Opera

OK, I realize you may be getting tired of my postings regarding opera but we attended our third opera today, "The Enchanted Island".  It was simply spectacular.  The voices, the costumes and the set, plus intermission interviews with some of the singers, one of whom was Placido Domingo made for an incredibly entertaining afternoon.   The audience was really into it today...I mean our local audience and BJ and I get a big kick out of our local audience applauding when none of the performers can hear them.  I guess applause is as much for the entertainer as for the entertained.   So this will end my expounding on this issue but if this type of opera exposure comes to your neighborhood, treat yourself as I am living proof you can learn to have an appreciation for something that previously attracted no interest.   Now I wonder what else there is out there that I have poo pood along life's way.


  1. Applause is just plain fun....makes you happy...just ask Nikolai!
    Sounds like a good time!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
