Sunday, January 1, 2012

It's 10 p.m...Happy New Year!..zzzzz

Yes, we are  becoming our parents...actually, that happened quite some time ago!  Last night we had thought about going out for a late dinner, then I contracted a mild cold so we changed plans, went to the market and bought oysters, mussels and shrimp.  At home we made a fire, dressed in very comfy clothes and grazed on Stiton cheese and all our seafood while watching re-runs of around the world celebrations.   We had a Netflix movie so popped that in and by the time that was over and we had had our fill of food and libation it was late!!  10:00 late.  So off to bed and the last I heard was the Bellingham fireworks going off at 12:07 and thought I should at least get out of bed to watch but when you have become your parents, late night frivolity is just so... frivolous. 

1 comment:

  1. Your night sounds fun too! Good food and home.....a perfect evening!
    Happy New Year!
