Friday, January 6, 2012


We just finished watching a wonderful movie, "Secretariat", that incredible race horse that won the Triple Crown in 1973.   We so enjoyed it because we watched him run the first time...yes, we saw all three races on TV back then but do not remember all the drama that went along with his owner and the financial issues she was having.   We had to chuckle because as we watched the movie we were chewing our nails during the races like we didn't know the outcome.   Why is that!?  :-)  Anyway, Secretariat is considered the greatest race horse of all time and it is just thrilling to see how he was just in a field by himself.   One of those made for TV stories...only this one is true.  If you need to be inspired in this new year, treat yourself and watch this depiction of such an historical event.   Racers have been trying to duplicate it ever since and I'm glad it has been preserved on the big screen for new generations to enjoy. 

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