Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas 2010

Well, somehow we managed to make it to Minnesota unscathed and unstuck in some snow drift.  It was so nice to be with family for this special time of year and the snow in Minnesota just made everything so Christmasy and festive. 

After many months of wondering if I would ever draw again, I was finally able to present Katri and Aaron with a drawing of Ava for a Christmas gift.  It was as much a gift for me as well as I really did not think I would be able to use my left hand for anything constructive so this drawing is particularly special to me.

 Oskar and Hank had a great time and after some initial suspicions of each other, they got along so well and competed for leaving their mark!

 Momma to be (again) and Ava

 A fun time had by all, with Auntie Henni, Ava and the hounds.

 Oskar getting his gift of gourmet dog treats from Hank.

Eliah and Grandpa playing racetrack

 What could be better than a Grandpa in a tiara and a granddaughter with a magic wand...maybe a glass slipper???

 BJ's wonderful candle holders were in place for Christmas Day dinner.

We returned home just before a major storm in the mountains...can we emphasize how blessed we were to have safe travel and no major storms for our return trip...God is good indeed.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Just An Ordinary Trip... visit family for Christmas.  Let's see, chains for the truck, flashlight, blankets, snacks, water, extra gas, large plastic bags to kneel on for putting on chains, shovel, warmest winter gear, extra heavy duty windshield washer fluid, Hank's bed and food and, oh yes...Christmas gifts!   

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Teezer's Treat

For those of you who have visited the island, you know there is a wonderful little corner coffee shop in town, appropriately named "Teezers".  When we first moved here I was a frequent customer and the scale confirmed that.   Over the last few years, I rarely go there unless we have visitors and we stop for a latte and a goodie.  But every Christmas season they make an eggnog latte that is pure heaven.  I stopped there yesterday for my annual ritual and enjoyed every sip so I think I'm good now until next Christmas...I think.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Little Niagra

While the rest of the country is digging out, we seem to be trying to stay afloat.  Never have we seen the pond so high or small lakes everywhere from all the rain and we just hope the dam between the house and the guest house was engineered to hold up.   Good grief, but the waterfall is truckin' and here is a view and audio of the waterfall coming from the mountain.   The sound is for real.  We also had a big rockslide on the mountain road and BJ and the neighbor guys are down there now trying to clear away the debris...and, of course, Deere John as well.  Oh, condo life, how would I love thee?

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dress Shoes And Nylons

The latter years of my mother's life found her in the same attire each time I saw her.  One of the consistencies was seeing her in low heeled dress shoes and knee high nylons regardless of the time of year.   80 degrees or 40 below, it did not matter.  Today at our church we had a celebration for one of our ladies who has had a long history of ministry and there she was at 93, in her dress flats and knee high nylons and all I wanted to do was hurry home to get into my thick wool socks and Haflinger shoes.   I don't know how elderly women can possibly stay warm dressed in such strange shoes and this is a message to my daughters that should I reach the age of infirmity where I don't know where I am, please clothe me in Lands End wool socks and Haflinger shoes and I should not be any bother at all. 

Monday, November 29, 2010

Points To Ponder

From this week's church bulletin:

"Jesus was going around 'doing the kingdom', healing the sick, cleansing the lepers, feeding the hungry, he was celebrating at a party with all the wrong people, transforming people's lives."  N.T. Wright

"If we are to seek first the kingdom of God, we must first seek an audience with the King."  Anonymous

"If you have not chosen the Kingdom of God first, it will in the end make no difference what you have chosen instead."  William Law

"Death may be the king of terrors...,but Jesus is the King of kings!"  Dwight L. Moody

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Thanksgiving...

...that almost wasn't.  Ok...the table is set, fresh flowers, candles, the pies and apple crisp have been freshly baked that morning and everthing is ready...except for SNOW...that four letter word.  We woke up to snow falling Thanksgiving morning and watched it accumulate over already packed snow and ice.  Phone calls began between us and our guests as to what to do.  So BJ put chains on the truck and made a test run to the bottom of the mountain and had no problems.  So it was decided to proceed with some shuttle service from the Iwarssons.  One couple had chains and studs so they were fine...two other couples carpooled and met BJ at the bottom of the mountain along with another couple BJ had picked up in town, and everybody headed up to our house without incident.   It certainly was a memorable Thanksgiving as we all had a great time and we were just grateful that we could get together in spite of the picture postcard environment!  Today it's close to 40 degrees and everything is melting...yes, timing is everything in life.  

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Wild West

18 degrees, 50-60 mile per hour winds, and two power outages later, we have a damaged garage from trees down.  Neither of us can recall a 'noreaster like this and last evening we heard a bump in the night and figured a tree had fallen somewhere but not until this morning did we see that a large fir had fallen next to the garage taking out one of the large hip beams, snapping it in two like a toothpick.  Another tree is leaning and will have to come down.   BJ is currently on the tractor checking out another tree that is leaning down on the mountain road and we have a tree guy coming up to try to clear away the debris from the garage sight.   Let's see... ca ching, ca ching....and the garage will cost how much to build??....:-(  But hey, it's Thanksgiving and we are giving thanks it wasn't the house!!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Points To Ponder

From this week's church bulletin: 

"Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow."  Edward Sandford Martin

"The Pilgrims made seven times more graves than huts.  No Americans have been more impoverished than these who, nevertheless, set aside a day of thanksgiving."  H.U. Westermayer

"If the only prayer you said in your life was, 'thank you,' that would suffice."  Meister Eckhart

"Joy is produced when we choose to be grateful."

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Don't Tell Me...'s going to be one of THOSE winters!!  6 inches of the lovely white stuff greeted us this morning.  We hope we don't get any more before Thanksgiving as we have 8 people coming for dinner and they won't be too thrilled as it is driving up the mountain road. 

At least Hank had fun catching snow balls!

Friday, November 19, 2010

30 Years!

30 years ago next July, I got up in the wee hours of the morning to watch the wedding of Lady Diana and Prince Charles.   It was all captivating and her life seemed perfect in every way.  She was the epitome of glamour, class and style and everyone wanted to copy her hair styles and the way she dressed.  Over time we were all reminded that wealth does not bring happiness and the end of her marriage was tragic and even more so her early death.  Watching the news this week of her son becoming engaged and giving Diana's ring to his fiance was a bit surreal.  We all ooohed and awweed over that "rock" when Diana became engaged and frankly, it feels weird to see it on another woman's hand.   Ok, ok, I know what you might be's special to William... but it's a bit creepy for me.   I guess I was too much wrapped up in all the details back then and thus it seems that it might have been good to let a few generations go by before taking that thing out of the jewelry box.  Now, everytime I see that ring I will think of the tragic life of someone who continually sought happiness and who missed out on the best years of her children's lives.  

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Garage Progress

Framing has begun and things are taking shape.  All the boulders lying around still have to be placed on top of the existing rock wall to the left of the garage.  I guess we need a bigger excavator other than Deere John to do that.  The roof beams should be in place by Tuesday.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

$20..Not Much You Say?

Recently we received a thank you note from Daniel, the little 7 year old Bolivian boy we are sponsoring through "Compassion".  We even got a new photo as well.  For his birthday in September, we started out with what Compassion recommends as a minimum birthday gift to see what he might get with that donation.   All special contributions of this nature go 100% to the child.  So his thank you note says he was able to get new shoes, pants, a sweater, a red cap and underwear!   In his new photo he is holding one of his new items and the others are on display.   Never before have I felt so good by spending so little. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Soup's On

It's cold up here on the mountain now and I have returned to one of my Saturday routines of making soup to be eaten Sunday evening.  There is usually enough left for two more dinners so I freeze and then vacuum pack the leftovers and "squirrel" it away in my freezer.    Served with my "no fail" popovers or corn bread, it's the best meal.  This week's creation was Butternut Squash and Apple Bisque.  After this stage was done cooking it headed off to my food processor to be made into a heavenly smooth, creamy bisque.   I like to let it set over night to let the flavors blend. does a body good.  Sometime I'll have to share with you my original soup story...I think there is a reason I am so enamored with soup.   But that's for another day.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

All Done

BJ has been working so hard to landscape the new back steps.  He had to put in drainage as we had some unexpected water collection at the bottom of the stairway after some heavy rains... that should have been foreseen by the contractor but it's fixed now and fortunately we were home when it happened.  He has planted some deer proof grasses and added more dirt and mulch and now I think it looks like it's been there forever.   The little orange stakes will be where the outdoor lighting will be located...yes...that will mean coming and going without our trusty flashlight...when we've ever remembered to bring that!

 He has continued on the rock wall as well.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


When I discovered a couple months ago that I could actually hold a drawing pencil and even better, have some control, I went back to one of my old drawings that I thought I had finished but after so many months away I realized, with fresh eyes, that there was more to be done.  So now "Julie" is finished and I've been working on this one so long that I'm starting to see my face in hers...the falling chin, saggy eyes, droopy mouth..oy!  This is just another reminder to all of us aging folks to smile!!!  It's nature's facelift!!  Now to move on to something else...maybe someone with fewer wrinkles this time...:-)

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trial And Error, But Mostly Error

The other day I had posted a photo of one of our lovely maple trees and then the next day I discovered that the photo was missing...hmmm...I realized that after I posted it, I went back into Picassa and deleted it thinking I did not need it anymore...well, I guess that's a no-no as it also deleted it from my blog.  Talk about these two sights being well connected.  So anywyay, here it is again, a spash of color in a sea of green.  A little more sunshine on it would have been nice but hey, we can wait for March for that, no big deal.  That's what Vitamin D supplements are for.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Attention All Bloggers

I don't know about the rest of you but I have had trouble lately uploading my photos to my blog.  I went to the "help" button and ended up reading all kinds of similar complaints on the internet.  Here is the usual scenario...I click on my browser, it lets me upload one pix and when that is done, it won't let me do another one unless I go to the dashboard, and click to edit my current entry and try the whole process over again, one pix at a time.  Well, I kept seeing that one of the locations to upload from is Picassa Web Album so thought, what the heck, I'll open an account there, upload my photos to Picassa and then retrieve them from Picassa to my blog.  WOW, is it ever fast now!!!!  Do you suppose all these websights are in cahoots with one another...nah, that's just too cynical to think that way...realistic but cynical.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Downright Civilized!

While I was gone in MN they poured concrete for the steps leading to the back door.  I have posted some before and after photos and the new steps are quite delightful.  It will be so nice not to be slipping and sliding around this winter.  BJ and Deere John will be busy now filling in with rocks, dirt and mulch to make it look more natural but what a treat to have one more thing finished around here...hey, it's only been 8 years!

Aren't these wonderful?

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Merle's Door

For all of you who currently have, or had, or especially, are thinking of getting a dog, this book is a must.  I just finished it last night as I could not read it on the ferry ride home lest someone think I was in great distress with tears running down my cheeks.   It will change the way you think of your dog and most of all it will be a reminder of what wonderful creatures dogs are and how they bring such joy to our lives.  Ted Kerasote, the author, has a marvelous way of sharing Merle's life and it is a heartwarming story of man's truly best friend.  I'm going to go give Hank an extra belly rub now and then next week I'm going to the market to buy him a "real" bone.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Not A Minute Wasted

I headed off to Minnesota October 15 for a whirlwind week of visiting, very long overdue.  I started out at Henni's and our first night did not go silent until about 2:30 a.m...this for a mother who is usually in bed at 9 p.m.!!  We really made up for lost time and what fun we had.  We shared a wonderful bottle of Chilean Carmenere wine and celebrated our reunion!  The Minnesota weather was lovely and sunny and after a weekend with Henni (Rich gave us lots of space:-) I headed over to Katri's and spent two days just with Ava and one day with Eliah doing all the things Grandmothers are supposed to do...color, paint, play doh, cutting, pasting, playing doll house..we had a great time.

On my day with Eliah, we got out all his train tracks and had a very fun time putting them together.  He learned about "right of way" and yielding and soon decided that it would be better to put up one of his stop lights so that it would always be green when Grandma's train came close to is his train stuff afterall.  We raked leaves so they could be jumped in and played some games and soon the day was coming to an end.  Katri and I headed out that evening to her weekly knitting group so I could meet some of her knitting friends.  A great group and they even knit a bit when they aren't talking and drinking coffee!
Next, it was off to my sister's for a day of catching up on sister talk and a lovely walk around the neighborhood.   Now I'm home again, welcomed at the ferry landing by my two main men, BJ and Hank.  Kisses were great from both.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

In Love

I mentioned some time ago that we are sponsoring a little boy in Bolivia through   As a result, I am in love with Google.  I have discovered their wonderful translation assistance.  My letters to Daniel are written in English and then are translated by Compassion staff into Spanish but I want to send postcards also and be able to write something in Spanish or write little notes in Spanish in my letters.  So Google not only translates but also tells me how to prounounce words/phrases.   I am excited to learn Spanish as well and maybe resurrect some memory of my Spanish classes from my college classes in the 80's.  Anyway, this is such a cool service and I get a letter monthly, written by a tutor of Daniel but I will be so excited when he can write back himself. 


Well, we now have the foundation in as well as the floor poured and the frames are in for the concrete slanted slab as you drive into the garage as well as the slab for outside the side entry  door.  They will be in exposed aggragate like the rest of our walkways so probably will be done when the steps are done going down to the back door of the house.    

Saturday, October 9, 2010


I know, we are usually behind the times when it comes to watching movies but last night we watched Precious.  BJ and I were both incredibly moved by this movie, it's very raw story of life at it's worst.  We became numb to the "f" word but the message of hope that this movie portrays and the impact of just one person who cares and especially a really good teacher, well, it's what goodness is all about.   Don't watch it to be entertained but watch it to see what making a difference can mean in the life of one other person.   The woman who plays the mother (if you can call her that!)  in the story won an academy award for best supporting actress.  We agree it was well deserved. 

Thursday, October 7, 2010


I have just finished reading a wonderful book titled, Peter The Great, His Life And World by Robert K. Massie.  This was an amazing historical saga about a larger than life tsar of Russia in the late1600's, early 1700's.  Peter was 6'7" which in that day was extremely rare.  In an era of opulance and grandeur, he preferred simple clothes and hated pomp and circumstance, however the people were still taxed to death to fund the armies, wars and building projects that he demanded.  St. Petersburg is called the city built on bones for all the lives lost creating a city built in a swamp.  I became captivated with all the history, not just of Russia, but the neighboring countries as well.  In spite of the revolution of 1918, many artifacts have been preserved from Peter's reign and I would love to see them.  Oh, aren't books wonderful!!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Lovely Weekend

We left for La Conner last Thursday for a yacht club outing and decided to take Hank this time.  We normally leave him with a sitter but since we planned to be at a marina the entire time, the potty trips were not an issue.  He must be showing his 7 years as he did very well and soon settled into boat life and the meeting and greeting of other dogs and humans.   He is out like a light tonight so must not have gotten in his normal nap times, but it was fun to have him with us and the weather was perfect.  You can see his accommodations are quite adequate!

We had a bit of drama.  When we got to the marina we discovered a line coming from the end of our boat...not our line.  BJ tried to free it but could not get it unstuck.  We must have crossed over a crab pot line on the way over.  Shortly after, another boat came in and the owner asked about our problem and he said he had a wet suit and a tank and that if we needed help he was available.  BJ soon took him up on the offer and after a short dive the guy came up with the most tangled line that had been wrapped around our skeg and propeller.  It's amazing that we did not lose power after seeing the amount of line that had been cut away.   We invited him and his wife over afterward to visit and had the best time getting to know each other.   Clearly one of those divine intervention moments. 

Sunday, September 26, 2010

And So It Begins

The lighting is not very good but you get the idea for the general layout.   We'll still need that hooded jacket to run from the garage into the house in a downpour, but hey, the cars will stay dry!!  How I rememer our suburban homes where you drove into your garage then walked into the house, all neat and tidy like.   I guess that's why we put in all tile floors!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Operation Completion

We have now been in our house for 8 years, on the island for 10, but BJ has never really felt like the place was notice I said, "BJ".   So yesterday construction began on a garage.  Aren't all you visitors glad we waited until you left??  Along with the garage will finally be steps down to the back door and lighting on the steps outside.  It will be nice not to have to escort our guests to and from their car with a flashlight in the winter time.  It does get reallllly dark up here!  So I guess this whole process will make the house complete...but I did hear some chatter of creating a little lean to for Deere John to keep him cozy during the rainy season.     I'll keep you posted with photos along the way. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


On Tuesday mornings I facilitate a mom's Bible study class and we have a video followed by good discussion. Boy, I sure wish I had had some of this good info when I was raising my own family. Anyway, we have about 24 in the group and it's a good mix of all ages, the older helping the younger with what they found did and did not work. In today's study the author referred to something called CAADD or "child activated attention deficit disorder" know, we all had it as young start to do something, you get distracted, you try to go back to the original task only to get distracted again by a dirty diaper, a knee needing a bandaid and on it goes. We all got a chuckle over this new "medical" problem and some of us older ones also thought we could substitute the C for an H to stand for hubbies. Without a sense of humor, where would any of us be???

Monday, September 20, 2010

If It's Been A Year

I believe that's the marker for purging things from one's if it's been hanging there for 3 or 4 and I still have not worn it..well, then it's really time to purge. I have spent a couple days cleaning the bedroom closet and tossing out things that haven't been on my body for a loooonnng time. I'm leaner than I was a few years ago and plan to stay that way so things that are in good shape but are just too big overall...those big shoulder pads, outdated tops, pilly sweaters and on and on are now in bags headed to the goodwill or the second hand shop in town. So it feels good to see the shelves a little less congested...makes me feel even lighter!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Date Night

Every time we go to Orcas Center, our performing arts center, we ask ourselves why we don't do it more often. We had a nice dinner out first then to a performance of 3 violinists and a guitarist playing all Celtic music. They were wonderful, amazingly talented, and brought the house down with their foot stompin' music. Even they commented on the quality of our facility for such a small community. It was great to see the place packed out with overflow people sitting behind the performers on the stage. It was good to see we could actually stay awake until 10:30!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


OK, so maybe some of you have heard about Jackie Evancho. She is the 10...I repeat 10 year old singing sensation on the show "Americas Got Talent". Now I don't even watch the show but the show's results showed up on my home page and I may tune in for the last episodes to hear this little girl sing. One of the judges, Howie Mandell, asked her if she had swallowed a grown up! Her voice is so far beyond her years plus her poise, well, "talent" doesn't describe it, but prodigy starts to come close. What a joy also to see a 10 year old who looks like a 10 year old. So, treat yourself and Google her to hear some of her performances...pure bliss or "heaven" as one judge stated.

Friday, September 10, 2010


It seems a small thing but yesterday I actually wrote with my left hand...and more importantly, for me, I have started drawing again. Rather odd that drawing is actually easier than writing but my drawing is more of a two handed effort. My right hand has gotten so much practice lately with fine motor skills that I probably will continue to use it to write as it's faster. I had avoided spending any time at my drawing table for fear I just couldn't do it. I have had to relearn how to handle the pencils and other tools but it's coming along. Such a huge encouragement to me to make another step toward "normal". Oh, the things we take for granted.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Amazon Woman

Well, I could be a spokesperson for! I had been ordering our tea from them for a couple of years but this past week discovered that they also sell Wasa hardtack! This is what BJ and I eat for lunch every day and they sell it 12 packs at a time which comes out $2 cheaper per pack than even off island prices. Then to really top it off, I discovered yesterday that they even sell my Obagi skin care products MUCH cheaper than at the dermatologist's office. By the way, if you are not familiar with Obagi, check it out...wonderful products for the aging face!!...uh, yeah, that would be me.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

40 Years!

It's hard to believe we have been together so many years but it was so nice to have such a relaxing place to celebrate. Our anniversary was glorious with fresh breezes, sunny...not humid like we recall our wedding day! BJ is seen here on the back porch of the B&B with his book. Walla Walla gets 300 days of sunshine...gotta have that for all those grapes, but they do not have the humidity that comes with their hot days.

We had a wonderful dinner out that evening. We had a rather poignant moment. I decided to wear my wedding ring on my right hand and wore a larger ring on my left ring finger. During dinner I commented to BJ that I wonder when I can get that wedding ring on my left hand again and so I took it off and tried once again on my left hand and lo and behold it slipped on. I got all emotional as it was the first time I could do that in 5 months. A special gift for that night.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Who Would Have Thunk?

Well, here we are in Walla Walla, Washington, a town of about 35,000 and quite a little jewel. Nestled in the foothills and surrounded by vineyards and endless wheat fields it has a special beauty. We hadn't expected to find this place so charming. This is a picture of the B&B we are staying at. The couple who own it renovated this 1893 Victorian mansion and it's quite something. Very little expense was spared and the suites are just exquisite with antique furnishings. It's a lovely place to spend our anniversary weekend. Today, we headed out to some of the vineyards to taste wine and, of course, bring a little home as well.

There is a lovely park across the street to stretch our legs.
This is a photo of our bed with the painted mural on the wall. The couple who own this B&B also has started their own vineyard as well and we'll be sampling some of their wine tomorrow.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Favorite Time Of Year

This is the time of year when we get the most wonderful moons that come up behind the mountains. Last night we had one of those nights, crystal clear, mountain out and that moon so glorious. I just had to go out and stare.

"Oh My"

Yesterday I made a quick trip off island to meet with the Dynasplint lady per request of my hand surgeon. I got fitted for two contraptions, only one shown here that "helps" extend my wrist. Her first words when she saw my lack of flexion were, "oh my" so I guess that means there is work to be done. The picture shows the splint that will help extend my wrist and I have another that will help flex it. For the next two weeks I will alternate days wearing them for 3-4 hours a day and then after I see her in two weeks, I will start sleeping with it on at night. The surgeon has ordered these for 3 months! The tension can be adjusted as improvement is seen. Who would have thought breaking a wrist could be so complicated!!? I'm really hoping this will help things improve as I was getting resigned to my current wrist's condition as my "new normal". Maybe I will be able to write again left handed someday.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Happy 7th Birthday, Hank

Are you serious??? You can't be serious! It's my birthday and all I get is this old biscuit?? My cousin Oskar got ice cream...I mean, I know I'm drooling and all but still I had hoped for some of that delicious creamy stuff. I know, I know...I have a sensitive digestive system and you were worried you might see my treat later on the floor, or worse the rug. OK, I'll take the biscuit, at least it's a whole one this time not the usual half I get after dinner. But you owe me a serious belly rub later.

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Henni Plant - Indoors

One final bouquet of an outdoor plant. The geraniums are still going strong but the days are getting shorter and we have made a concerted effort to sit out on the deck for lunch when it's sunny as it's long gone if we wait until dinner. Summer goes so fast...I know... they say otherwise but I'm convinced it goes faster the older one gets. And then BJ said today "only 4 months until Christmas"...I just ignored him.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Week Of Sun

We just returned yesterday from a week on the boat. We picked a good one as we had sun every day. We just stayed in U.S. waters since we were out for just a short time and ended up the week with two days in one of our favorite places, Prevost Harbor on Stuart Island. Great anchoring, protected from channel boat wakes, sunsets and sunrises and a wonderful trail to hike on the island if desired. It's also great boat watching as we sit comfortably secured and watch other boats come in and find their perfect spot. BJ never gets tired of people coming by in their dingy asking what kind of boat we have and why they like it. I must admit, we are not in a "cookie cutter" vessel. Yes, this is my kind of boating...sunshine, calm and a good book.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Goodbye Morgan

I thought about my Dad today. He was an artist and painted many oil paintings and sold many as well. I wondered if it was ever hard for him to part with some of his work...if he ever had regrets or felt a little bit of loss or sadness after all the planning and hard work. After today, I decided that he probably did but isn't there more joy knowing there is someone out there who actually wants something that you have created? Today was our annual library fair in town and along with the 15,000 books for sale there was also a silent art auction and about 100 items were donated to benefit the library. I decided to donate "Morgan", one of my first graphite drawings. I really enjoyed drawing him, as black people have the most wonderful shadings to their faces. I got quite "attached" to him but thought maybe someone else would like to have him. There were actually five bidders for him. He didn't go for much money but I learned today that creating has nothing to do with money. Morgan, I hope you're hanging out with a good crowd.

Friday, August 13, 2010


No..that's not a typo, it's just what we call August in the San Juans. It's fog that causes the "early" ferry to leave 25 minutes late and causes the return ferry to depart an hour and 10 minutes late. In the fog it creeps along so as not to collide with all the crazy pleasure boats out there who may not be using their radar. So my doctor appointment at 9:10 in Anacortes turned out to be a 9:35 appointment but that was only because I was positioned on the ferry in the lower middle section, middle row toward the front...the most coveted position for any car and only possible because I took the "tiny" Subaru. Sometimes they squeeze us little folks in the middle row between the big's a real high when they give you the go ahead to park there as you are first off the ferry. So got to my appointment and the surgeon is not terribly pleased with the degree of flexion in my wrist so wants me to be fitted with a brace that will force my hand to flex...apparently I can adjust the flexion myself so he says it's not a torture device...funny, I hadn't thought of that at all until he mentioned it. So that means I get to take another trip off island in the near future during the height of tourist season. But hey, we love those tourists...we even know some of them! :-)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Left Behind

We just finished a fun visit with my sister and husband. Our little guest house is a memory making building and we so enjoy it used by our family and friends. Only one thing, we are always left behind with the incredible presence of those who have left and it lingers for several days. 'Course this is nothing new and is experienced by families all over the world but visits that cover several days seem to leave more of a void and we are so glad we started a guest book with photos 10 years ago this August. Marlys and Bob were our first guests back then and so we thought it would be fun to stage this year's photo to mirror their August 2000 photo. I think it turned out quite well but you'll have to see for yourselves the next time you visit. I think they have aged quite gracefully!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Henni Plant

A few years ago Henni gave us this plant as a gift and like so many other plants we have in the garden it has gone through the Orcas growth stages of sleep, creep and is now in the leap stage. It grows very tall and produces a lovely purple flower but will need to be trimmed back like so many others lest it get the impression the garden is for it alone! So Henni, since you won't get out here this year, I thought you would enjoy seeing the fruits of your purchase.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Frozen yogurt..Frozen Peas..Frozen Shoulder??

Well, it seems I have at least one of the above. After a visit on Friday to an orthopedist in Seattle for another opinion regarding my chronic shoulder pain, I was informed that I have a frozen shoulder. It's probably related to the trauma of my wrist injury and the lack of mobility that my left arm has had for so long. Not much to do for it but gentle stretching 3 times a day, some anti-inflammatories and stay away from the physical therapists. It can take a long time to heal so I'm just careful to avoid those movements that cause pain and wait it out. Seems like I have been doing a lot of waiting in 2010!


Katri and kids arrived June 19th for another Orcas visit. We had not seen each other for way too long but it did not take long, though, for bonding to take place and how wonderful to have quality time to get reacquainted. Hank was the recipient of much attention and did his part to be a good dog with little people around. Here Ava is learning that his favorite thing is a belly rub.

Part of the island experience is helping Grandpa with tractor work and thus hearing protection was needed for Ava as well. Grandpa searched for just the right hearing protection on the internet for Ava and found the perfect pair to coordinate with her ensemble!

The first test run was a little tentative but soon she was an old pro just like the boys!

Another highlight was a trip to the compost where all kinds of living things can be found...especially worms and slugs. Ava was fascinated while Grandpa turned over the dirt looking for critters, all the while holding tightly to her cookie.

Hmmmm...maybe this cookie doesn't look too great now after all.

Who would have thought the hot tub would be such a fun retreat for the 5 and under crowd, but Eliah and Ava had a great time splashing and playing while Eliah fulfilled his role as big brother tormenter by turning off and on the bubbles which initially frightened Ava but she soon adapted to the "therapeutic" benefits of white water. Hmmm...looks like that hot tub siding could use a little super glue.

Speaks for itself!

As you can see, the weather was blissful, not hot by Minnesota standards, but delightful in all other ways. A trip to Mt. Constitution and a climb up the lookout tower was fun especially since Aaron joined us on the 24th and took over as main escort climbing the steps over and over. Yes, there is a reason people have children when they are young!!

For a 2 1/2 year old Ava was very willing to try new things. She even tried a piece of pickled herring but quickly decided it was not even close in preference to peanut butter. But she did learn to like Kaviar on her hardtack...amazing. We all had a good laugh when Eliah told her to finish her "hard-a-tack"..does he somehow know the high sodium and cholesterol content of that Kaviar!!? Anyway, she is on her way to becoming a true Swede.

We are grateful for the many memories, too many to recount here.