Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Proof Is In The Pan??

So we had Thanksgiving at a friend's home and thus I cooked a turkey for BJ and I the day after.  Since I had gotten stated concerns from others regarding cooking with aluminum, I opted to cook the bird in a pan with a rack and then covered it tightly and completely with aluminum foil.  The same process was used...the 500 degrees for the first hour, then shut off the oven and wait 6 hours.   Well, the white meat seemed a bit dryer this time...not as moist and flavorful.   The bird was cooked completely and the dark meat was fine.   So I took a portion and let it sit in the juices overnight and we had it again the next day and it was very good.   So I think I will continue to cook it this way...I just may look for a different pan that is similar to my aluminum one but..not aluminum.   Turkey 101 continues!  Anyway, turkey soup tonight...could you have guessed that?

Friday, November 18, 2011

And, Finally, We'd Like To Thank The Academy...

Ok, so it's not an Oscar, but how many times in life do you get your name on a plaque while you are still alive?  Last night at a yacht club function BJ and I received an award for Outstanding Cruiser for 2011.   Who would have thunk???  It was quite the unexpected event considering the award is not given out yearly...only when the powers that be, consider it deserved.  Apparently there is some awe for venturing  to Alaska for the first time alone rather than with a flotilla, as we are certainly not the first cruisers to make the journey.   It just seems rather humorous that all my years of denial about making the trip, finally doing so results in an award.  Do I dare tell them about the Valium required??...just kidding!  Anyway, we get to hang it at home for the next year.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


It's only Wednesday evening and I have already been off island twice this week.   Appointments on two separate days...I think my dermatologist will become part of my family...and lots of errands, Christmas shopping, Costco...yada yada.   So on the way home I went topside with my book to read and along came a neighbor and then a friend from church and we all sat and gabbed.   "So where is BJ?"  they asked.   I said he was home.   "You mean, he did not want to come off island with you?" which point I began to explain that we each have our own agendas off island...mine is not the hardware store and Home Depot!   Frankly, I think we both relish our days off island by ourselves, to do what we want to do when we want to do it.   We enjoy doing things together but shopping is not one of them.   Isn't that why God created girlfriends???!!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

A Joyful Routine

As the leaves are almost all off the trees and the fall season is in full swing, I have resumed one of my favorite routines of the season..Saturday soup making day to be eaten Sunday evening.   I LOVE making soup.  The chopping, the seasoning, the simmering, the storing in the freezer for another meal..I feel like a squirrel stashing away for that day when we can't get to town due to snow and all I have to do is go to the freezer and take out one of my vacuum packed portions.    Tomorrow's recipe is potato/sausage/ of my favorites.    

Friday, November 4, 2011

Kaviar Krisis

BJ took me to the airport last week so he could swing by Ikea and stock up on Kaviar.   What a shock to learn that they no longer stock it or Abba sill in those big containers.   They still sell meatballs so our freezer is again full of those but the Kaviar situation is serious.   I don't know what Ikea is thinking but it makes no sense to us.  So now I am researching websites where I can buy the Kaviar...we only have one and a half tubes left and it won't be pretty if my husband goes into Kaviar will make the Viking pillaging of old seem like small stuff.  For someone who has been eating this since the day he was weaned...well, it's hard to picture a daily lunch without Kaviar.  Thank goodness we can still get the big jars of pickled herring at Costco. 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Family Fix

I just got back from a great week with family.  I am saturated with blessings and hugs from everyone and am good for at least a couple months.   Nikolai who is soon 9 months is a heart stealer and has a smile for matter the time of day.  Just a sweetheart.

A neighbor leases horses and so she stopped by and gave the kids a ride.  They were thrilled and both agreed that sitting atop one of these fine animals is a long way up.  

Pumpkin carving time was fun and both the kids drew their own designs for faces and then mom and grandma had the fun of cleaning out the innards as both kids thought it a bit gross.  

Halloween was a perfect night with a crescent moon and clear skies, although a bit brisk...but hey, we weren't slogging through 2 feet of snow either.

Additional visits were with Henni and Marlys and fun shopping.  It seems Grandmas don't qualify for the 3 day "fish" rule for visiting as even on day 5 the kids were still asking me if I had more sleepovers left...better than asking, "Grandma, are you STILL here?"