Thursday, April 21, 2011


I travelled to Florida last week to visit my aunts and also my sister.  My father's two surviving sisters are in fragile health and as I write, my auntie, Inga, is soon on her way to be with Jesus.  It was a purposeful, productive, emotional visit of goodbyes and a desire to do all that was possible to help someone die with dignity...something we all desire and deserve.  In between visits at the nursing home, my sister and I had time to coast into the day sitting on her wonderful lanai and watching all the many beautiful birds that frequent her pond in the morning.  So this is where we sat with our tea and fruit as each new day began. 

 I got a chance to experience pancakes on the beach and I must say they tasted pretty fine.  After our "nourishing" breakfast we took our chairs and enjoyed the sun and surf. 
Birds are everywhere in Florida and some are even a nuisance like this peacock who along with the rest of his flock, is wearing out his welcome with his high pitched screech and droppings.  Oh, well, no place is perfect.
Time was spent with Auntie Ruthie, and a chance to marvel at this wonderful lady who at 91, still has such a zest for life and all things new.
A visit with my sister, Marlys, without our husbands, found us not staying home much, especially not to cook!  One of the highlights was again visiting the incomparable Ringling Museum (yes, the circus people) and the amazing Ringling estate which has completed rennovation and is a feast for the eyes.   Being blessed with perfect sunny days of 85 degrees didn't hurt either.
 But at the end of the day was the always faithful sunset, a reminder of Inga and her long life of 97 years and what she has meant to our family.   May she slip sweetly and quietly into the arms of God.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Unwanted Record

The weather people here say this is the coldest start to April EVER.  Ever is a very long time but we are hopeful as we start to see our daffodils blooming.  Without any rain the last two days they are daring to stand up straighter, but that will all change this afternoon when more moisture is on the way.   I'm surprised we have not started to grow a layer of moss instead of skin.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Sun

Today the sun is out.  It's a huge deal as we have not seen it for such a long time.  The last week it has been raining almost non stop and many islanders are just getting plain crabby.  I am not normally impacted that much by the weather and have this philosophy that if it isn't white stuff coming down, all is well, but lately I'm getting a bit weary of going on my walk dressed in full waterproof gear.   Maybe the daffodils can actually stand up straight today and proudly usher in spring without being all drooped over.   They have looked seriously depressed.  I hope the sun has been shining on your world today.   It does a body good. 

Friday, April 1, 2011

Do You Think??...Duh!

When Katri graduated from college we got her a computer.  About that time BJ said, "Do you think we should get one too?"  Soon after that our first computer arrived, A Gateway, in boxes big enough to fit a small car.  Well, how things have changed.  For years we shared the same computer and the same email address...not a good idea.  So then we shared the same computer with different email addresses...better...and then we each got our own computer...perfect.   Now my computer is in the techy hospital as my backlight went out and I'm back to using BJ's computer for a couple weeks.  Hopefully we don't drive each other crazy but it's incredible how much these machines have become part of our everyday existence.  OK, I'd better hurry before HE wants to use this darn thing.