Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Time For Thyme

The thyme is erupting in a lovely lavender color. It's the most wonderful groundcover. And as you can see, the sun is actually shining today, 'course it was only 52 degrees this morning. It was also time for another milestone today as my youngest daughter turned 34. So hard to believe that so many years ago we brought home this little 8lb. 6oz. bundle. I am wishing her a special day and may she know how much she is loved by so many. Happy Birthday, Katri!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

22 Days And Counting

That's how much time you have, Orcas Island, to get your act together. Then two wee ones will arrive who are expecting not to have to wear polar fleece on the way to Twin Lakes to go swimming. Once again, after arriving home from church today, I say to BJ, a fire would sure feel good and so once again I put my wool socks back on. It is June 27th...hellooo..is anyone listening??? I don't need it to be hot like last year when the wee ones were here, when a burn ban prevented us from using the fire pit, but in the 70's would be nice...can you manage that Orcas Island??? I know you are beautiful and all but sometimes beauty needs a little warmth to be attractive. Now I'm going back to sit by the fire.

Friday, June 25, 2010


Well, I suppose that is too strong a word so let's just say I am very fond of hummus. I don't know who first introduced me to this food, probably Henni, but I did not really get hooked until a friend brought her homemade hummus to a gathering. It was a palate extravaganza!! But making my own??..no, no, life is too short for all that work so I began my quest for the next best thing. This I discovered at Costco where I found Meza hummus in a 30 oz. container. When I get home I divide it in three parts and freeze two. It freezes very well! So when BJ gets panicky when the kaviar runs low, I'm in the same frazzled state when I see the bottom of the hummus container. I eat it on hardtack everyday and if you have not tried it, give it a go...it's low in fat, cholesterol and sodium. Let's see, only two hours until lunch!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


...it was delightfully pleasant enough yesterday to sit out on the deck and have lunch. BJ still has not had to turn on the re-circulating system for the pond as ground water is still flowing...it's never been this late in the 10 years we have been here. I think we might actually have gotten to 70 degrees yesterday...Whoo Hoo!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I don't know what constitutes an emergency at your house but at our house it's when we are on our last tube of Kaviar!! Thank goodness I'm not responsible for its decline (love it but too much sodium). So a kaviar expedition is now in the planning stages which involves a trip to Ikea, close to Seattle airport...yes, for those of you who have visited, you know the trek this involves. I guess some things in life are just worth the sacrifice!

Monday, June 21, 2010

First Day Of Summer??

So why is it only 50 degrees and I'm still in wool socks and polar fleece?? I think I have worn sandals twice this month! On the plus side, everything is green and lush and I don't feel so badly about not being out on our boat...brrrr. Hope you all are having some lovely sun and warm breezes.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

So Pretty

BJ has been so busy laying down new dark mulch in the garden and all of a sudden all the green has just popped! There are so many shades of green and soon the thyme will be exploding with color. The natural trees keeping reseeding themselves but we...or I should say BJ...digs some of them up and plants them outside the fence.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

It's Almost Comical...

...how we live our lives here around the ferries. Yesterday I decided to make a "quick" trip to Anacortes so the hand therapist could adjust my hand splint per doctor's order. I left the house at 10:30 to catch the 12:10 boat which left a half hour late. I got to my appointment right on time at two and it took about 20 minutes to adjust the splint and off I dashed to catch the 3:35 boat home...which was also late. So I eventually get home about 5:45. Let's see, that's over 7 hours commuting for a 20 minute appointment. I don't have to go off island again until July 1st and that should be interesting getting back home competing with all those July 4th weekend revelers. As I said, it's almost comical...but not quite.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Progress..Sort Of

Another trip to the surgeon today. I can now start flexing my wrist backwards and really get to work straightening out my fingers again. They have been on hiatus since this last surgery and are not too thrilled about being required to point toward the sky. I need to see the therapist again to redo my splint into a more neutral position and still have to wear it when I am not exercising my hand. I also got some hopefully much needed relief for my shoulder which has been bothering me since I fell and recently the pain has prevented me from from raising my arm....what next??.. so today I got a cortisone shot in the shoulder and an Rx for some anti - inflammatories and hopefully that will take care of the inflammation. I am sooooooo ready to feel like a new woman!

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Little Darlin'

Yes, so here's one of the little darlins cruising the neighborhood late this evening looking for a bedtime snack. He has had to dodge at least one scarecrow but maybe he considers that just washing up for the night. We give up.

Our Deer Saga

The deer this year are everywhere. We need my brother to return for a visit because when he was here last year we did not see any on the property during his entire visit. Could they know he is a hunter?? So we have these things called "scarecrows" around our planting areas that are outside the fence. They are attached to the water hoses and when there is movement they go off and spray water suddenly in a large arc. This morning while we were still in bed BJ heard them going off and when he went out on the deck to look there was a deer just standing there getting sprayed with water but eating anyway. Could they be getting conditioned or just plain smarter than us? A neighbor gave us a deer repellent that is a radio that is turned on when it detects movement and then you hear either music or voices. Today we saw two deer walk past this device and stop and listen and then begin to eat. Maybe they liked the station we chose. Good grief.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Just Perfect

Days like this are reminders of why we moved here. It is just a perfect day, warm in the sun and cool in the shade. It's been a long while since we've been blessed with a day like this. The foxgloves are starting to erupt all over and we have so many this year probably due to the mild winter. Also a lovely day for all the Orcas high school seniors graduating this afternoon. Maybe I'll put off cleaning those kichen cupboards for another day, I think the deck is lonesome and needs some company!

Friday, June 11, 2010

NOW I'm Really Old

Yesterday was a milestone in my life as I applied for early social security benefits since I will be 62 (ouch!) in July. It seems so strange to have reached this point...which has always been synonymous with old people. One cannot help but wonder what benefits will be available for my children and grandchildren when they reach my age. In the meantime I will collect what is legally owed me and try not to focus too much on the "old" part. OK Hank, let's go for our walk and keep those joints moving.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Nooks And Crannies

Nothing helps get me out of a pity party more than physical exercise or a good project...something to focus on besides myself. Hank and I are once again walking down to the gate and back and I have been cleaning out nooks that have not seen the light of day for...well, you don't need to know THAT! Cupboards underneath sinks...oof!...laundry room shelves organized, baseboards cleaned...I even bought a flat plastic box with dividers to store my jewelry which had been scattered throughout 3 drawers in the bathroom. Next on my list are the kitchen cupboards and drawers...no embarrassing moments for me when those first guests show up this summer, no sir! Watch out crannies, you're next!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Moody Forecast

We have had such a wet spring and now it's sunny one day, rainy the next, then sunny then...well you get the picture. It seems my moods have followed the weather as I try to fast forward my healing process but my mind is about the only place where that is happening. The mountain stream is still running naturally into the pond when it's usually dried up by the first of May. I guess Orcas is paying late for a very mild winter. The deer have plenty to eat and Hank and I counted 7 on our walk yesterday. He gets very perturbed that they are on "his" turf. So let's see...yes, tomorrow looks sunny..:-)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

There's A Change In The (H)air

Thursday I went to a different hairdresser. Not a big deal, you say. Well, on a small island it's a huge deal. I had been going to the same hairdresser for at least 8 years, but just wanted a bit of a change and for someone to see me with fresh eyes. I'm very happy with my new "do"...it's much more layered, shorter and easier for me to take care of in my limited physical state and cut very well. I can just add a bit of product to give it some fluff and off I go. Now comes the hard part...going to the market or other frequented places in town and seeing my old hairdresser and quickly turning around to look for something in another isle...oh, the intrigue!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

How Do You Spell Relief?

I spell it "plaster splint off." Yesterday I got that heavy plaster splint off and got a new lightweight custom one made by the hand therapist. Sooooooooo much better! Also got stitches out and can shower without a plastic bag...yea! I still cannot lift anything with my left hand and think I will be in a splint for some time while that nerve heals. I did get an Rx for neurontin, to help with the nerve pain in my fingers...that constant feeling of them wanting to wake up is not comfortable especially for sleeping. When the surgeon is asked how long it will take before I get complete feeling in my fingers, he won't say...just says "everyone is different while that nerve grows back"...I'm thinking he should go into politics! Anyway, it's probably better I don't have a timeline, just be grateful for progress as it comes.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sunshine..Sort Of

OK, so it's partly cloudy but it was sunny when I took this. After a solid week of rain and a Memorial Day weekend washout, it was a tonic to feel some warm rays. For those of you who visit mostly in the summer and miss our springtimes here, I thought you might like to see our beautiful rhododendron contrasted with the dwarf Japanese Maple. All the different shades of green are exploding now with all the new shoots on the evergreens. I love spring. We also have at least 12 goldfish in the pond that are getting big...if we can just keep the otter and the heron away.